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Contributor Information


Marc Wick
Software Engineer
Project Lead Geonames.org
St. Gallen, Switzerland

Short Biography

Marc Wick was born 1968 in Basel, Switzerland and has a degree in Computer Science from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (Dipl. Informatik Ing ETHZ). He hold various positions as software engineer and database expert in the financial and technical industry for Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Telekurs and Siemens Transportation Systems. He is now working as self-employed software engineer and consultant in Switzerland. Natural language processing in particular natural language geocoding are among his various interests. Marc Wick is the founder of the geonames.org project, a global gazetteer available under a creative commons by license as a daily database dump and accessible via numerous web services.


Member for
3 years 41 weeks

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The Geospatial Web ▪ Copyright 2007 Springer ▪ ISBN: 1-84628-826-6