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Contributor Information


Amit Sheth
Professor of Computer Science
University of Georgia
Computer Science Department, LSDIS Lab
Athens, GA, USA

Short Biography

Amit Sheth is an Educator, Researcher and Entrepreneur. He joined the University of Georgia and started the LSDIS lab in 1994. Earlier, he served in R&D groups at Bellcore (now Telcordia Technologies), Unisys, and Honeywell. In August 1999, Sheth founded Taalee, Inc., a Venture Capital funded enterprise software and internet infrastructure startup based on the technology developed at the LSDIS lab. He managed Taalee as its CEO until June 2001. Following Taalee's acquisition/merger, he serves as the CTO and co-founder of Semagix, Inc. (formerly Voquette, Inc). Earlier he had founded Infocosm, Inc, which has commercialized workflow technology. His research has led to several commercial products and applications.
Professor Sheth is an IEEE Fellow and has received recognitions such as the IBM Faculty award. He has published over 200 papers and articles, given over 160 invited talks and colloquia including 21 keynotes, (co)-organized/chaired twenty conferences/workshops, and served on over 110 program committees. He is on several journal editorial boards and is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems.


Member for
3 years 41 weeks

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